
Sisters from Milwaukee leaving for Guam in 1949 are from top down: Sisters Mary Jean Francis Stenger, Aquina Curtin, Ardwin Shaw, Marie Jose Herbig, Carleen Roberts, Eric Militzer, Eucharita Luxem (First Superior).
Sisters from Milwaukee leaving for Guam in 1949 are from the top down: Sisters Mary Jean Francis Stenger, Aquina Curtin, Ardwin Shaw, Marie Jose Herbig, Carleen Roberts, Eric Militzer, Eucharita Luxem (First Superior).

The expansion of the School Sisters of Notre Dame has often been a response to the needs of the people, the call of the Church and the political realities touching their lives. This was the context in which the Milwaukee Province was invited to send sisters to Guam after World War II.

Sister Paulina Raymond, SSND
Sister Paulina Raymond, SSND

A celebration of some of the Guamanian jubilarians is an indication of the fidelity of native SSNDs on this lovely island.

As the Region of Guam developed, sisters were sent to the islands of Yap, Ebeye, and Chuuk. Reflect on the background of one native who has become a School Sister of Notre Dame.


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